Frequently Asked Questions

How much is it?

We are roughly 1/3 the price of franchise schools and make affordability a major priority. 

Prices start at £90 per term for our Minis. We offer a colour pathway option for each academy. Where our actors can design their training options.

Red - £150 - 1 class a week
Blue £196 - 1 class and a biweekly Zoom with academy director
Purple - £225 - 2 classes per week (see availability in each academy)
Orange -  £278 - 2 classes and 1 bi-weekly zoom 

Minis - £90 
Midis - £115 

(Excluding VAT)

We offer an affordable payment structure,20% sibling discounts and also 30% reduction on fees for those on income support. 

How can you join the agency?

The agency is open to all actors receiving training at the academy. To find out how to join please contact Sarah directly at

There can be no secondary representation whilst attending The Hunt Academy For Young Actors. Representation can be extended once notice has been given to leave The Hunt Academy For Young Actors. This will be reviewed on a case by case basis by the agent and Academy Director and the Agent bears no responsibility to continue the Actors representation after termination of the Academy contract.

Do you do shows?

Each academy produces an Actors showcase annually. This is designed to be entirely actor focussed and consists of monologues, duologues and small scenes. Every actor gets their moment in the spotlight. There are other various performance opportunities throughout the year dependent on specific studies.

We also provide a screening and Red carpet event following our Showreel recording with a professional film crew!

Is there a uniform?

No. We believe in encouraging the strengths of the individual right down to your own choice in what to wear. We ask that you come to our workshops in comfortable clothing and footwear that you can move easily in. Every year we offer the opportunity to purchase HAYA merchandise (t shirts, hoodies etc) but these are purely optional and for you to wear whenever you wish.

How are you different?

At HAYA we focus entirely on actor training for stage and screen so we do not provide singing and dancing. Occasionally music and dance can be incorporated into our work but it is not the primary focus. Our aim is to create well rounded actors and creatives and not necessarily musical theatre performers. At HAYA you will get to create your own work, work from film, theatre and tv texts, learn stage combat, audition technique and a whole host of other incredibly valuable acting skills. We have close ties to the industry and can often provide opportunities to take part in professional work. We also offer a top class actors agency exclusively for HAYA actors.

Is previous experience necessary?

No. We believe that there is an actor in all of us and we can help you to find it. Every person comes with their own unique skills, character and style and we hone that to become your greatest asset.

Leaving HAYA

In order to maintain a high level of commitment and an understanding of working as a part of a "company" a half term's notice period is required to leave HAYA. This can be given at the half term and a reminder of the notice date is sent out with every invoice. If you decide to give your notice after that point the half term fee for the following term will still be charged.

What casting platform do you use?

Each actor who joins our agency is listed on Spotlight Actors. This is the most professional and popular casting service in the world.